Perhaps, there’s no Internet user nowadays who has never heard of cyber attacks. These illegal, harmful intrusions are becoming more and more frequent day in, day out. Cyber criminals hack large corporations, small businesses, and individuals as well. In a word, no one online has a guarantee that his personal or business website won’t be the next target. Therefore, the number of companies investing in cyber security is continuously increasing. However, the main problem is that not all Internet users fully understand what happens in a cyber attack. As a result, they are not ready to protect their sensitive data adequately.
The widespread cyber security myths, taken at face value, give users a false feeling of their entire online safety. Today we’ll throw the light on several common cybersecurity misconceptions. We hope it will help you realize what happens in a cyber attack to work out a better cybersecurity strategy and minimize risks of intrusions..
Unfortunately, many people believe that solely tech and finance industries become targets of cyber criminals. Perhaps, this myth has appeared due to the numerous movies and TV series that show what happens in a cyber attack before the main heroes save the situation. However, reality differs significantly from the movie scenes. Every company connected to the Internet, regardless of the industry, is prone to cyber attacks. If you think that you don’t have any valuable information that can arouse hackers’ strong interest, you are mistaken. Such sensitive data as personal addresses or credit card numbers are quite enough to make you a potential target.
As usual, this myth goes hand-in-hand with the previous one. Lots of small and mid-sized business owners still believe that only large corporations face cyber threats. However, it’s not so. If you study the latest data breach investigations reports, you’ll see those small businesses make more than half of cyber attack victims (up to 58%). What’s more, 60% of the victims go out of business within six months. As a rule, cyber criminals target credentials, personal data, internal secrets, and payment information. So, today it’s essential to realize that hackers don’t care much about the size of your business. Valuable, sensitive data and vulnerability are the primary factors that matter when intruders choose a target.
It’s the third common myth for those who don’t understand in full what happens in a cyber attack. Of course, good anti-virus software is highly essential when you go online, and it can do an excellent job. The bad news is that it still can’t keep your system safe from all kinds of digital intrusions. Despite the extensive database on viruses such software usually includes, it won’t detect a new type of malware used by a creative hacker. Therefore, never forget that your anti-virus is just the first line of your defense but not a panacea.
The next cyber security myth is related to the infinite power of strong passwords. Most people mistakenly think that the passwords they use can stop any hacker. In reality, such a misconception can cost you much. No matter how sad it may sound, it’s merely impossible to create a password that is 100% secure. There’s always a chance that a skillful cyber criminal will crack even the most complex one. That’s why the users who are aware of what happens in a cyber attack don’t entirely rely on strong passwords. They employ two-factor authentication and take good care of regular network monitoring.
Are you sure that data breaches are only the result of external malicious actors’ activity? It means that you still don’t know enough about what happens in a cyber attack. Cyber threats can come from the inside as well. Insider threats are not less dangerous than the outside ones. The worst thing is that they are more unexpected as they come from the people working right by your side. Besides, they are harder to detect.
Moreover, sometimes such threats are not intentional but just a result of someone’s carelessness. Therefore, you should always have a reliable tool at hand to monitor the security of your network. Also, it's a good idea to organize cyber security training for all your employees.
Probably, a couple of decades ago, such a statement was true. On those days, it was relatively easy to see that your computer had got infected. Viruses used to slow down computers, load numerous pop-ups, and cause full-on system crashes. In a word, their activity was visible. Unfortunately, nowadays, the malicious software is much more challenging to detect. It has become more sophisticated and stealthy. Today compromised devices can keep on running smoothly while the virus is performing its dirty work inside.
Undoubtedly, it’s one of the most dangerous cyber security myths. Your IT department knows what happens in a cyber attack and how to respond fast and effectively. However, they simply can’t take care of everything concerning cyber safety. Cyber security is the responsibility of every employee who has access to the corporate digital devices. Until all employees are adequately trained, they can unintentionally continue following unsafe links and downloading malware through their emails.
Now you know the central myths on what happens in a cyber attack. So, it’s high time to stop believing them and start taking your cyber safety more seriously. To begin with, learn how to stay up-to-date with cyber security. Next, think over an effective cyber security strategy for your particular business. Then, take advantage of robust tools, such as the IBM QRadar network monitoring solution. They will help you get real-time insight into external and internal cyber threats and react fast to protect your assets. In case you’re a novice or don’t have time to bother your head with tech issues, delegate this task to reliable pros.
To sum up, your online security is entirely in your hands. Give it due regard, and you’ll avoid loads of unpleasant and budget-ruining consequences of cyber attacks.
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