In today's world, almost all transactions within any company that does not relate to direct physical activity associated with the sale of goods are taking place online. Previously, companies used personal data servers with secure communication channels and separate access administration to prevent information leaks and preserve commercial business data. Now, more big and successful companies are migrating to the cloud and using cloud security gateways to protect business and customer data.
Cloud-based security gateways are an extensive, comprehensive solution to the problem of malware and phishing links littering a user's Internet traffic. In layman's terms, a Cloud Security Gateway is a global filter that's not tied to a specific local host and works everywhere at once and creates a protective layer between the information the user receives or sends over the network.
It works by filtering out URLs that could damage hardware or compromise company information. The difference between cloud security gateways from the previous generation is that there is no need for additional equipment, and the protection base can be purchased from specialized companies as a service for the organization of this system.
There are several core systems in the classic picture of setting up a security framework:
Each of these systems is configured separately and must have an offline link in the form of a server or local control point. And each system has its vulnerabilities and options for cybercriminals to attack. In the case of the Secure Web Gateway on Cloud migration, you get a complete set of services in one virtual location. Before migrating to this system, it is recommended to thoroughly test the existing security algorithms in the company to eliminate the possibility of external influence completely.
Such a notion as a network security model for modern business is virtually absent. After the pandemic Coovid-19, almost all companies in the world wholly or partially converted employees to remote, which means that employee traffic does not pass through a local enterprise security control system, and the employee essentially works on the Internet. Here's where a good cloud security gateway is essential. A properly configured cloud security gateway can protect an employee's information in several ways.
The most significant advantage of the Secure Web Gateway on Cloud is its mobility.
The number of phishing attacks and deliberate cyber attacks on user information and money grows yearly. And the business of extorting ransom for stolen personal information or trade secrets has become a vast shadow business industry. That's why more and more resources are devoted to virtual security and protecting employees' data and commercial information.
According to research by eSecurity Planet, spending on virtual security gateway development has been one of the highest priorities for the past four years. So there's no expectation that cloud storage and security will be replaced in the coming years. If you want to keep your company's data secure and make it easy for employees to access workflows from remote locations, installing an external security gateway from a trusted service provider should be a priority.
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