Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) as a Basis for Robust Cyber Security

When considering cyber security measures, the first and most simple standard solution is a password. However, passwords alone no longer seem safe as too many factors reduce their credibility, including a human factor too. Here comes a turn of multi-factor authentication to save the situation. As with all aspects of cyber security, it isn't straightforward. However, we'll try to explain the basics and common issues.

Why Can't Passwords Protect Us?

Passwords are a great invention that has been serving its purpose since the 1960s. They were, still are, and will be an excellent cyber safety solution if treated wisely by a user, a system developer, and other parties. You can learn about some basic rules and tools that can help secure passwords in one of our blog posts

So, if everything is alright with passwords, why are there so many cyber problems? The thing is that passwords alone can't save individuals and businesses anymore. With so many sophisticated methods and tools, malicious actors deploy, cracking passwords (even the best ones) is just a matter of time. What matters the most is whether a hacker considers spending this time worth the gain. There are two main measures to protect a system against cyber attacks and unauthorized access. The first involves using passwords enhanced by several more steps of security checks - multi-factor authentication. The second option reduces reliability on passwords or eliminates them - passwordless authentication.

What Is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) requires two or more different authentication factors to identify a user. The authentication factors can be based on such data: possession, knowledge, users' technologies, biometric and other unique user data, location, etc. 

MFA is a core component of effective Identity and Access Management (IAM). Every time you withdraw cash from an ATM, you come across a standard MFA option - two-factor authentication (2FA) with a card in the user's possession and their knowledge of personal identification number (PIN). Online banking often requires possession factors (card number, phone number), knowledge (PIN), a one-time password (OTP), and biometrics (fingerprints or facial recognition).

Why MFA?

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is reported to successfully prevent and drastically reduce phishing, identity thefts, phishing, man-in-the-middle attacks, and other types of online fraud and cyber attacks. However, MFA performance depends on particular combinations of factors and cyber security approaches used hugely.

Is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Enough to Ensure Robust Cyber Security? 

Unfortunately, the answer to this question is more "No." Recent cyberattacks - e.g. SolarWinds in 2020 (still not 100% solved), Microsoft Exchange Server in 2021 - targeting the most prominent cyber security and tech companies have shown that there are no limits and no 100% safety guarantee for anyone in the cyber world. However, we recommend utilizing MFA as a strong basis for efficient cyber security architecture.

Reach out to Cyber Security Experts at MBS Tech to Ensure the Best Cyber Security Performance

When it comes to cyber security measures, we constantly repeat that you have to think hard about what is at stake. Today's world of great technological innovations provides individuals and companies with unprecedented business opportunities and comfort levels. And malicious actors get all that too. 

MBS Tech can help you choose the best solutions with MFA to satisfy your interests and needs the best way. We can also inspect the current state of your organization's cyber security and give a detailed auditing report. Or you can opt for raising your staff's and special department's cyber security awareness, as well as educate them on the most efficient MFA implementation techniques. Live and work calmly but be prepared to fight against the worst.



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